23700 Mercantile Rd.
Beachwood, OH 44122
Rear of: National Biological Building
Team Jump Start!
Being on the competitive team at Jump Start is an exciting opportunity for gymnasts who are ready to make a larger commitment to the sport. Members will develop confidence in their skills through team practices and competitions. ​
Team Jump Start requires a year-long commitment. New team members begin working out with their fellow teammates each year in the summer, during which they learn routines and develop critical skills. Throughout the academic year, the girls must practice a certain amount of days per week, depending on their level.
Jump Start has over 60 gymnasts on the USAG Competitive Team & Jump Stars Prep Team. Our team members compete at USAG Xcel & Optional levels 6 & 7.
Our experienced coaching staff and team members work together to achieve each gymnast's maximum potential. We celebrate our gymnasts' accomplishments in and dedication to gymnastics. Jump Start looks forward to another award-winning year with our gymnasts!